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Post Christmas Blues


Hello Christmas Day and all of those yummies that comes with it!! It’s great fun isn’t it!? But then January hits and we are overweight, depressed and lack motivation. Why do we do this every year!?

How can one day cause so much grief? Well let’s be honest, it wasn’t one day! With October brings the spooky treats and yummy warm creamy coffees to fight that first big dip in temperature. Then we continue into bonfire territory and the big hitter is not just Christmas day, it is the run up to Christmas day (aka ALL OF DECEMBER!). this is the yearly trap.

It is lovely and we get to spend more time with family and friends. It can also lead to some serios January blues. We have gone overboard on sugar meaning sugar crashes. We have gained some weight. We have also been hit with cold temperatures and short days. This is a fantastic recipe for mental decline!

First off. Please do not worry as it happens to us all. However, knowledge is power and there are some things we can do to fight the January blues!

L-fit Glasgow Personal Training Tips to fighting the January blues

– Firstly, prevention is key!! Try to be good diet wise at least 80% of the time. In this way we can enjoy holiday treats without the worry of the January button the jeans challenge!

-Movement! Get moving. For one, this will help to counter-balance some of those
additional calories. Secondly, moving releases those feel-good hormones which
make us happy!

– However, if you are already there do not beat yourself up! This seems to be a
favourite past time in the UK. We have a weekend blow out, then punish ourselves by starving ourselves on Monday. Statistically this has been proven to be more detrimental to health and fitness and it CERTAINLY won’t help you feel any better!

– Eat your calories for the day post blow out BUT try to fill yourself with nourishing whole foods.

– Force yourself to be socially active. Get out with a friend and go for a walk. Unless that person is incredibly boring, you will not regret it!

-Make time for self-care. This is SO IMPORTANT and one that I am bad for ignoring.

– Despite what you may think YOU ARE INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT. Make time for
yourself: have a bath, get your hair done, get the jammies on and watch a feel-good movie. No matter how busy you are, you should never be too busy for yourself!

If you would like some coaching to help get you started, get in touch with L-Fit Glasgow Personal Training.

Fill out my online form.