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The Juggle
 Life and my fitness journey



This is a hard one. There is no perfect answer to help you out here. Why? Because you are unique. The good things in your life and the struggles you face. There is no one answer fits all when it comes to how we should juggle our lifestyles for ultimate success.


Life can be great! Things can be going brilliantly, and we can have all the time in the world! Or life can be an absolute horror show at times. At L-fit Glasgow personal training we like to be real, raw, and honest with you. We are not superheroes who deal with everything perfectly. We have been there, done that and wore the T-shirt!


We also experience hard times. I am in fact sitting in a hospital café at the minute writing this blog. Life can be incredibly challenging, that is the nature of life. I’ll be honest, my nutrition hasn’t been great this week due to challenges. I’m not eating enough. I’m living on coffee and when I eat, I am not eating my quota of vitamins and minerals.


However, I am very aware, and I am not going to let this continue. I am craving good nutrition and will be heading home to cram in some veggies. The gym is a right off for me for a few days but again I am aware, and I will make sure this is temporary.


Awareness and consistency. This is key! There were times in the past where I would have just gone down a rabbit hole. I have been knocked down this week, but I know in my head this is a temporary situation that is out with my control. As soon as I can, I will aim to take care of myself mentally and physically.


What can I do right now?


  • I can take care of myself and keep my head above water
  • When things start to settle down, I can get back on track
  • I can remind myself that despite how I feel, good nutrition and exercise (where I can fit it in) is the best thing I can do for me
  • I can ask those around me for help where possible
  • I can participate in activities which are good for balance at times of high stress such as yoga or meditation
  • Most importantly I can remind myself that times can be challenging but it is temporary


If you would like some coaching to help get you started, get in touch with L-Fit Glasgow Personal Training.

Fill out my online form.